Saturday, May 11, 2013

I Love You…. Mama!

Chef Ed Dychauco, RN
(May 9, 2013)

These are the 4 most wonderful words one can declare to their mother, not just on Mom’s Day, but every day of the year!

I cannot remember how many times I have said this, but I guess it is not enough because I feel that phrase should be part of my “vocabulary” day-in & day-out, morning, noon & night-time!

The only memories I have as a baby and a small kid would be the thousands of photos you have kept all these years. All black & white, or should I say, brown & white (?), immaculately kept in a box, but mostly in those weathered-look albums that have been well preserved all these years!

That’s my mom! She really takes tons of photos and took good care of them!

I sure did and continue to enjoy looking at my baby pictures. Those are memorable treasures that money can’t buy! I can always brag that I was a cute & adorable baby! Okay. We all are cute and adorable when we were babies and that includes you!

Growing up, I can always say all of us were taken cared well with what we’ve got. We were probably not sent to the best schools there is but we managed to grow up and finished our degrees in due time. We became parents ourselves and now, I am seeing, feeling and experiencing what a parent is subjected to.

But I am certain, that being a mom is truly demanding, but rewarding. Can one imagine what she does all day? Endless house hold chores, the unceasing assignments, the everyday pocket money &” baon”, the uniforms, and so many other important duties she does for her kids?

When we don’t feel well, when we are hurt, when we are sick, it is always our mom that comes to the rescue. Who do we call when we are in need? Mama! What is the first word do we say when something goes wrong? Mama!

My mom, who just turned 85 two weeks ago, is a very strong lady. She is full of love and I am so lucky to have her as my mom! The very best in the whole wide world!

Nonetheless, I would like to say that Mom will be mom, no matter what. And that can never be taken away from them.  That goes to my wife, too who is a mom to my fantastic kids.

But I still would like to include in our list of other mamas, beautiful people who “acted”, “perform” and “function” as a mom to us. Say, our grandmothers, sisters, cousins, aunts, and even yayas who definitely had taken care of us at one time or the other.

These wonderful people also deserved to be called “moms”, too because they also took time to look after us. I believe what we are today is partly because of the people around us. They have absolutely given us a part of their lives. And we should be thankful for that.

Maybe all the “women” in the world should be given due recognition not only today but all the days of their lives.  And what can we do?

Actually, there’s so much. Pamper them with Love! Care! Tenderness! Spend romantic moment with her and her alone. Give or treat her with what she like and love.

And if we have more, we can give them more of course. Give her a bouquet of flower, treat her to a candlelight dinner or be the “chef” for the day, give her a luxury massage, delight her in beauty spa, possibilities are endless.

And for those who have just enough, treat her well, with respect , as a friend, as a partner and as a mother to your kids!

Happy Super Mother’s Day!!!!

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