Saturday, May 11, 2013

Christmas…is truly in our hearts!

Wednesday, December 19, 2012
IN LESS than a week, we will be welcoming the birth of our Lord, Jesus Christ. And that is the true essence of Christmas!
Most often, because of the festivities, the parties, the gift giving, the preparations, those things that keep us busy during the month of December, we tend to forget the real meaning of what we are celebrating this season.
Not that it is not right to buy gifts, to attend or throw parties, to eat, to splurge and to enjoy, but to put God first in our mind and heart. That is the true meaning of Christ in Christmas!
With the recent calamities, whether natural disasters or man-made, we are all responsible in one way or the other. There is what we call the “ripple” effect. Say for instance the recent flooding. We all know that trees act as watershed and prevent floods from happening. Yet, we still cut trees without even replacing them.
We know some places are not safe, like the riverbanks, the sea shore, mountain or hillsides but still we build houses on top or near them. Isn’t that a recipe for disaster? But there is no sense for pinpointing fingers now. The best thing we can all do is to learn from our bitter lessons and work together as a community, as a nation to rebuild and start to give back what we got from mother earth.
As the Christmas season is here, let us show our love and our respect to one another. It takes just one to start something good. And there are so many things and deeds we can do to help, to show our affection to one another, especially to the needy.
Some things to ponder this holiday season:
Christmas Parties. We can still have fun, food and festivities with a little less food and drinks. Why not maximize on what can be done for just that particular gathering rather than having so much extra left-overs? And if there are left overs, well it can be shared with other people.
Gift-giving. Instead of ostentatious presents that become unusable, why not give a gift card or gift check for the recipient to buy what they like instead?
Bake or Cook. If you are a culinary genius or trying to be, give your friends and family edible gifts. They will be thrilled to receive “home-made” produce that is made with love!
Do-it-yourself. If you have the time and energy, why not do everything you could yourself? Of course, with a little or lot of help from your family members or friends, you are sure to achieve what you envisioned for the holiday season!
Go green. A lot of our friends love to grow ornamentals or even fruit trees. Why not give them potted plants or seedlings for them to grow? You will be remembered… forever!
Recycle. Things, clothes, whatchamacallit stuffs that you don’t need or use, give them away. If it is still new, use it as a gift. For second-hand articles, someone or somebody will surely need it.
Garage Sale. Rather than accumulating dust and space, dispose new, old or unused pieces, clothes, shoes, magazines, bags and anything under the sun in marked down prices. Money can then be used somewhere needed or be given to your favorite charity.
Christmas Trees and ornaments. Make use of recycled materials to make the tree and the decorations. It doesn’t have to be expensive. Or if you spend on nice ones, try to keep them after the season to be used the following years. And if you get tired of them, donate them. Remember, your trash maybe someone’s “cash.”
Buy local. Try to engage in the practice of “loving and promoting” our own products, especially from the small scale industries to help them sustain their livelihood business and projects.
Be Heart smart. Try to incorporate “healthy” food in your party menu. Some fresh garden salads with fruits and nuts would be exciting. Go lean with the meat or maybe stay on the safe side, chicken or fish instead. Lots of fresh fruits, “vegetable and fruit” inspired desserts, natural fruit drinks instead of soda. And one last thing, don’t over-indulge. There is still tomorrow.
So there, hoping these simple tips can be effective for a safer, cost-effective, clever and healthier existence for all of us.
And remember to go to church with the entire family. Acknowledge and be thankful of God’s love and presence. Pray for more of His blessings, not only for us, but for the entire world!
Christmas……truly is in our hearts! Merry Christmas everyone!

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