Saturday, May 11, 2013

Holy Week in Camiguin…. The way we were!

Chef Ed Dychauco, RN
(March 21, 2013)

In the Christian world, we are now celebrating Lent. It started a few weeks ago on Ash Wednesday which marks the first day of Lent where we had our forehead marked with ash, as a symbol of celebration & reminder of human mortality, and also as a sign of mourning & repentance to God.

In the homily of the priest during that Wednesday mass, we were told to start “sacrificing”. Meaning, we try to give up things we like to do or enjoy doing even just for the Lenten season. Because, that was what we were supposed to do and the right thing to do from the very start.

How many of us ever thought of this? How many of us ever practice this giving up & foregoing something we really enjoy for even a few weeks? All for the Lord.

Time was when we only visit churches, attending mass and all its activities like procession & prayers during the entire week. No meat on Fridays, plus we also try to eat less on even regular days as a sign of penitence & sacrifice. There would be no loud talks or laughter. Transistor radios were tuned in to stations that talk or explain about Christ & His meaningful life on earth.

The entire town of Mambajao (or should I say the entire island of Camiguin!) was quiet & solemn, except for the activities of the church and the bells ringing on designated time that breaks the silence of the community. Palm Sunday would start the Holy week’s events.

But the actual undertaking is seen during Maundy Thursday, Holy Friday & Easter Sunday. 2 days of more fasting, prayers and silence. The only place to visit was the Church. Activities would washing of the feet by the Priest to the 12 “apostles”, the reciting and reenactment of the seven last words, the visiting of churches for the way of the cross (Visita Iglesia)and of course, the mile long procession.

The procession takes place in the afternoon and almost close to 2 dozen of beautiful, antique and almost life-sized “Santos &” Santas”, together with several images of Jesus in various stages of his passion, adorned with colorful fresh flowers and “petromax” in all the “caro” passing the main streets of Mambajao. While I can already see the starting point from our house returning to the church, the end point is just getting out of the church! That was how long the procession was before!

We would also light several candles on our windows for the duration of the procession. As kids, we would sometime attend the procession, but there were times, we opt to stay home & peek  from instead, at the passing crowd.

As far as I remembered, we were not supposed to take a bath on these 2 days, although some says 3 days. And Easter Sunday was the most joyful day because Christ has Risen!

Little girls dressed as angels complete with immaculately white dress and wings are within the church compound or town plazas early in the morning welcoming the resurrected Christ. It was always a sight to behold where many town folks are in attendance.

A Holy mass is then celebrated. After which, people would prepare to go to the beach and spend the rest of the day enjoying the sun, the sea and presence of all family members, just like a reunion of sort, complete with home cooked delicious meal which would often include lechon, what else!

But during the Lenten season, what type of food would grace our table? Surely, it would be fresh fish and other seafood that was being sold that day, vegetables and a favorite of everyone, eggs!

One food item I believe that was also cooked during these days was the native biko. I know the oil was extracted from the coconut (can’t remember at which part of the process!) and kept for some time because it was believed to be a good and “healing” oil.

Panaad came to be only in the 80’s if my memory serves me right. It started with a few people circling the island by foot, starting at the early dawn till sun down to reach the starting point. It was supposed to be a sign of sacrifice & penitence where people would pray the rosary as they walk. It also gave people time to reflect and to be close spiritually with Jesus, if only for a day.

With our new Head of Church, Pope Francis guiding his flocks from all over, we pray that the world would be a better, safe & happy place, and spiritually-filled with love, patience and forgiveness to attain (!) world peace once again which have been so elusive for so long!

God bless us all!

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