Tuesday, January 4, 2011

New Year's pledge: 8 'must do's'

By Chef Ed Dychauco, RN

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

I KNOW each one of us has some sort of a new year's resolution. As far as I can remember, I tried to make a list but most often, it fell through. Because I probably didn't put much attention to it or either I just kept on postponing it, knowing there will be another year.

But as we grow older (and hopefully wiser!), we tend to do things better because we start putting things in a better perspective. Also, because I guess we just need to do it now.

For me, I have but a few things which I intend to do and hopefully, I will be successful this time. I also believe that most of you can relate to this and who knows, I might be able to convince you to do the same.

Number one on my list would be to clean up. After all these years, I have finally decided to clear up and clean up a lot of "unused" stuffs that are just gathering dusts in the house. I was often told that if an item has not been used for a year (okay, maybe less), it has to be thrown away or given to others. Actually, I have started doing that many years ago after I moved from a big house to a smaller one, to another much smaller place. The last few days were spent clearing and cleaning the area and I should say I was quite successful. I have so much space now especially in the living/dining rooms. All I needed was to throw away things that I don't really need (gosh, those boxes, envelopes, papers, magazines, etc) and give away those things I/we don't need or have not used in years, (clothes, shoes, toys, books and a lot more). Remember, it is perfectly alright to give away useful items to charities anytime of the year.

Second would be to eat and stay healthy. Although I am not totally into it, I guess it is about time that we start eating something that is and can be good for our bodily functions before it is too late. We all know what is good and what is bad for us, yet we continue to devour "bad" food. But on the positive side, I always believe that anything and everything in moderation is okay. Meaning, we can have a share of our favorite toxic, greasy, gooey, sugary, hi-caloric foods once in a while and again, the word there is "moderation." With so much temptation around, I think we have to succumb to those little "evils" once in a while to make us "feel" better. Remember the word "reward"? Junk food were considered rewards because we only have them once in a while.

Eat more vegetables and fruits. Vegetables can be prepared in delicious and nutritious ways. Say, spaghetti. Instead of pure meat, why not add or totally change them to carrots, eggplants, onions, garlic, cucumber, beans, tofu and the like? It would still taste great, I promise! What about more carrots on carrot cakes and banana in banana muffins? Vegetables and fruits are packed with so much antioxidants and high in roughage that is excellent for our system.

Exercise can be tedious but if one gets to walk around the mall or a garden or a park leisurely, I would always say that counts already towards earning a few points for our health. Just make sure you are not tempted to shop every time or get something to munch or drink, though! Going up and down the stairs, gardening, cleaning, walking a few blocks rather than taking the tricycle or jeep would be helpful. Besides, one gets to save some money, especially now that the gasoline and fare has increased again. Engage in active sports that you like. Sweat it out once a week or more if possible. If financially capable, why not hit a gym?

Save on energy. Be conscious of your environment. Plant a tree. Save the earth. Try to use biodegradable products. Turn off lights when not in use. Don't waste water. Walk.

Read. Be more informed of what is going on around you. Besides, it also helps your mind to be active. Reading opens a lot of horizons. Adding a few words on your existing vocabulary is fantastic. Why not add a word or two every day? And before you know it, you'd be a walking dictionary!

Relax and indulge. Enjoy life. Go for that massage once a week or once a month. Watch a movie. Go to the beach or to a mountain and watch as the sun rises or as the sun sets over a cup of your favorite drink. Listen to your favorite music that soothes and calm your nerves. What about videoke and sing alongs? Try new cuisines you've never tried before. Engage in an artistic activity you've long wanted to try.

Travel. Remember that place you wanted to visit for a long time? Now is the time to pack and go for it. Go visit your friends and relatives and have a grand time. Weekend getaways would surely make you want to check out new places and more fresh ideas.

Thank God for all the blessings. Visit Churches and Chapels and pray. One can also be active in religious and socio-civic activities during their spare time. Give a part of yourself to the needy. Be a man for others. The fulfillment and happiness one gets from it would be far from anything money can buy.

A happy, prosperous and fulfilling New Year to all! (Website: www.potsnpans1976.weebly.com; email: potsnpans1976@yahoo.com)

Published in the Sun.Star Cagayan de Oro newspaper on January 05, 2011.

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