Chef Ed Dychauco, RN
Way back in the summer of 1989, I, my dad & mom and a niece went to tropical Hawaii for a week’s vacation. It was a week well spent at the beautiful island of Honolulu.
This was my very first trip with my parents out of the country and Hawaii was our first stop over. I can see the excitement of my mom & dad since this was also their first trip to the United States of America. We were met by my mom’s best friend from elementary & high school in Mambajao, Camiguin, Ms. Tita Bollozos-Perlas at the Honolulu International Airport.
Being also my initial visit to this tropical island, I was amazed at how beautiful their airport was. It was clean and spacious with lush tropical plants. They really wore “Hawaiian” shirts and they do give “leis” to their visitors. All the while, I thought they were only done…in the movies!
As we step out of the airport, the cool fresh wind was a welcome respite after a long trip. It was a place I envisioned it to be. A place full of tropical flowers & foliage, palm trees and definitely a tourist destination!
Tita “Tita” is married to Dr. Danny Perlas, a pediatrician who hails from Luzon but they have called Hawaii their home for the past 50 years or more. They are blessed with a lovely daughter who was just a teenager when we went there in ’89. Now, the family has grown with the addition of 2 grandchildren.
We stayed at their lovely house with an impressively great view of the Pearl Harbor. It is located on the hilly side of the Island where we get to enjoy the fantastic vista with a beautiful natural landscape of the area.
While there, we also get to meet some other Camiguingnons like the Corderos. I am sure Tita has to go on leave for a couple of days in order to show us the place. I did a little driving myself along the highway enjoying the view of Waikiki Beach. The coconut trees that lines the highway was well-trimmed. I was made to understand that they have to make sure nothing falls on the pedestrian accidentally, that is why one can’t see the trees bearing coconuts.
Some of the major highlights of our trip include the visit to Dole Plantation (similar to our Del Monte Plantation) but if my memory serves me right, we visited the Polynesian Cultural Center which was within the area. It was a night of fun, music & laughter. We tremendously & immensely enjoyed the live cultural performances showcasing the many facets of Hawaiian culture through songs & dances. The authentic, sexy & enchanting hula dancers, the spell-binding macho & six-packed abs fire-dancers, the elderly but graceful muumuu-clad ladies and the exceptionally & wonderful stage with a pool in the center were all fired up during that night’s entertainment.
I truly remember the enthralling & captivating performance of “the Hawaiian Wedding Song” in a raft and the several exciting, delightful & remarkable Polynesian dances & dancers! It was a night to remember!
We visited the USS Arizona Memorial, the sunken submarine along Pearl Harbor. Until today, oil can be seen from the wreckage to the surface of the water and is sometimes referred to as “black tears”.
I was impressed with the service of a restaurant crew when we had our brunch one time. She was taking care of at least 10 tables but she was very efficient in her services. Fast & on time. She made sure all customers get their orders right. I just can’t seem to remember the name of that place.
It was in Hawaii also where I got to experience the dreamlike “Stereo Mass” for the very first time. The mass started at about 5:30pm and the sun was just setting. All lights were turned off except for a few “blue-colored” bulbs that were behind the priest in the altar. So what one can see was just the silhouette of the celebrant. The sound system was superb and the ambiance perfect because it gives everyone that feeling of “holiness” while attending the mass.
There was a film clip of what the homily was about for the attendees to relate to before the priest talked about it. It was during this mass that I started to like the songs “Honesty” by Billy Joel & “Eternal Flame” tremendously because Eternal Flame was shown during communion and Honesty during the recessional.
Why did it take me almost 22 years after to write about this “Hawaiian Rendezvous”? Well, it is because after 22 long years we finally get to meet Dr. Danny & Tita again! That is more than 2 decades! They were here recently for a short-vacation and despite of that short visit, we were invited (me & my mom) for a dinner with the Bollozos clan. The only “outsiders” but considered to be “family”. It was so nice to see my mom & Tita happily bonding and reminiscing their past! They graduated way back in 1948 in Camiguin Institute (now Fatima College of Camiguin).
The time was too short but surely enough, we all had a great time. And according to Dr. Danny, it was an unending “goodbyes” because the chit-chat just doesn’t seem to stop in every “corner” of the place. As he said, there were “stations” for saying goodbyes.. at the restaurant, outside the restaurant, at the lobby of the hotel and until outside the building. Well, that’s what we are. We always longed for our friends and looking back, my mom and Tita is in their 80’s now, so it might be safe to say that their friendship has gone a long, long way…60-70 years?
My mom just turned 82 a few days ago and we had a little celebration for her. But I can surely say her meeting with her “best” friend was the best gift she could get this year not only as a birthday present, but also as a mother’s day gift!
And to all the beautiful mothers out there…a Wonderful & Happy Mom’s Day to all!
Email: potsnpans1976@yahoo.com website: www.potsnpans1976.weebly.com
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